Wednesday 18 November 2015

Adding a new item to context menu of Windows Explorer in C#.Net

Requirement: Whenever user right clicks on any folder in windows explorer, display a new option and if user selects that option, launch your application. The below steps will add a new option on right click of any folder:

You would need to add 2 sub keys in registry at the below location:


Key 1: Folder\\shell\\MyProduct

Set the value of above key and the same will be shown in the context menu. You can also add a icon to the context menu item by adding a value to the key 1 and name it "Icon" as shown below:

Icon  "Path to your icon file"

Key 2: Folder\\shell\\MyProduct\\command

Set the value of above key and it will launch the application:

Eg. C:\Program Files (x86)\myProduct.exe "%1"

Here "%1" will give the path of the folder which is right clicked.

Programmatically this can be done as below:

private static void updateRegistryToAddContextMenu()
            string MenuName = "Folder\\shell\\MyProduct";
            string Command = "Folder\\shell\MyProduct\\command";

            RegistryKey regmenu = null;
            RegistryKey regcmd = null;
                regmenu = Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(MenuName);
                if (regmenu != null)
                    regmenu.SetValue("","New context menu option");
                regcmd = Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(Command);
                if (regcmd != null)
                    string exePath = Application.ExecutablePath;
                    regcmd.SetValue("", exePath + " " + "\"" + "%1" + "\"");
            catch (Exception ex)

                if (regmenu != null)
                if (regcmd != null)

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